School Movie Permission Form 1 Movie Per miss ion Form Dear Parents Our school suggests a parental permission for your student to view movies that are used in our curriculum or that are selected by our teachers which are rated PG 13 or R We believe showing your son or daughter films or portions of films such as Recount enables them to
Parent Permission Form for Viewing of PG or PG 13 Videos 141 Dear Parent Students in my class have been studying PARENTAL GUIDANCE by the Motion Picture Association of America Title of video Rating If you agree to grant permission for your child to view this video please sign below Teacher Subject grade School Viewing date Movie Permission Slip I Susan Hogsett give my permission for my child Nathan Hogsett to watch the movie Movie Title on 12 12 2023 as part of a school activity I understand that the movie has been rated 7 8 and will be shown on school grounds during school hours
School Movie Permission Form
School Movie Permission Form
FREE 9 Video Consent Forms In PDF MS Word
Movie Permission Form
Email Phone Please complete the following Name of Student My child may participate in this activity My child may not participate in this activity Parent Guardian signature Movie Video Permission Form Request Date With the Umbrella License you can show unlimited movies TV and other audiovisual content with the assurance of copyright compliance Obtain content on your own in any legal format including but not limited to broadcast cable or satellite television DVD Blu ray download or streaming services There is no obligation to report the titles shown
Exclusive PBL Projects for busy teachers Ready to print Easy to implement Use this editable permission slip when parent or guardian consent is required for viewing of movies digital media virtual field trips etc in class it is particularly helpful when parental approval might be required for viewing of sensitive or controversial media In order for your child to be able to watch a PG rated movie a permission slip must be signed by the parent Please complete the form and return to school with your child This form will be kept on file for the school year I give permission to watch the PG movies I do not grant permission to watch the PG movies
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Only 1 movie per permission form is allowed PG 13 movies may not be shown to students under 13 years of age under any circumstances No R rated movies or portions of these movies are permitted to be shown in the St Johns County School District N 09 hN N
A simple letter to parents explaining some positive reasons to watch movies in class and to allow them to give their child permission to watch a movie at school The blank areas included are A place to write the movie name and rating A place for the teacher s name signature A place for the child s name Tick boxes for Yes No permission Click to enter date permission slip is sent home Dear Parents and Guardians On Click to enter date dates is shown Click to enter Class Name will watch the movie Click to enter name of movie which is rated R The purpose of viewing this film is Click to enter educational purpose According to the Motion Picture Association of America
Movie Permission Form In Word And Pdf Formats
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School Movie Permission Form - Email Phone Please complete the following Name of Student My child may participate in this activity My child may not participate in this activity Parent Guardian signature Movie Video Permission Form Request Date